Thursday, April 25, 2024

30 Top Health Bloggers in the United States in 2024

The Top Health Bloggers in the United States write health blogs that offer a wealth of knowledge and ideas for everyday healthy living. Health is a growing concern in western culture as our lifestyles become less healthy, even with significant advances in our understanding of the human body.

There are many of the best blogs featuring commentary from professionals and laypersons alike on various health strategies and aspects of health, whether it be medical, physical, mental, or all of the above. These are the best health blogs and they offer a great variety of subject matter and perspectives on the topic.

1. Food Politics

 Food Politics is a health blog devoted primarily to providing commentary and analysis on developments in the realm of food regulation and health policy on local, state, and federal levels.
HighlightFood Safety Problems Can Happen Anywhere

2. The Body Odd 

The Body Odd is an NBC health news blog written by Melissa Dahl, a health writer and editor for MSNBC and Today. The blog covers a wide range of health issues including diet and exercise, mental health and a variety of modern health problems.
Highlight: Why a Good Deed Sometimes Leads to Bad Behavior

3. Breaking Muscle

Breaking Muscle is a collaborative blog sharing knowledge gained through experience and empirical research. The main goal of the magazine is to promote programs that strengthen both body and mind. Breaking Muscle offers readers a variety of programs designed to benefit a wide range of readers including powerlifting, Olympic lifting, yoga, functional fitness, and mind/body modalities.
Highlight: A Little Laughter Goes a Long Way

4. Dr. Frank Lipman 

Dr. Frank Lipman’s Blog focuses on healthy living and provides tips and strategies to improve both mental health and physical health. From diet suggestions and resources to creating a place in your life for meditation and reflection, Dr. Lipman takes a comprehensive approach to personal health.
Highlight: Reclaim Balance, Sleep, Sex Drive, and Vitality Naturally

5. Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman’s Blog is one of the health blogs, covering a range of food health-related topics from sharing scrumptious and healthy recipes to providing readers with tips on turning their lawns into gardens that can become a source of fresh and healthy produce.

6. Mark’s Daily Apple

Mark’s Daily Apple is all about empowering its readers to take full charge of and responsibility for their own health. One of the best blogs is dedicated to providing everyday people with research and resources that will enable them to make practical, healthy decisions that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
HighlightPrimal Blueprint 101

7. Shots

Shots is NPR’s collaborative health blog featuring the insights of contributors from all walks of life and aspects of the health industry. The blog covers health news across the board including physical, mental, nutritional, and medical health.
HighlightBioethics Panel Warns Against Anthrax Vaccine Testing on Kids

8. Well

Well is the health blog of the New York Times. The blog addresses a wide array of health-related subjects, from sharing gluten-free recipes to stressing the importance of wearing a helmet in appropriate circumstances.
Highlight: New Approach to Hip Surgery

9. Precision Nutrition

The blog Precision Nutrition makes research-driven nutrition coaching accessible to everyday people. Precision Nutrition’s team consists of highly qualified collaborators, each of whom has at least a graduate degree in their field.
HighlightA Busy Man’s Guide to Getting in Shape

10. Quantified Self

Quantified Self is devoted to sharing with readers the secrets of self-tracking, the practice of recording one’s moods, diet, sleep patterns, exercise, and other important factors that contribute to our overall well-being or lack thereof. It does not just extol the virtues of self-tracking, it shares the available methods, as well as techniques for understanding and interpreting the numbers that one will invariably garner from the practice.
HighlightThe State of Self-Tracking

11. Q, By Equinox

Q, by Equinox, has a large staff of highly qualified professionals within the health industry, many of whom have multiple graduate degrees in health-related fields, and an advisory board consisting of six medical doctors and other health industry professionals that review the merits of the best health blog’s content.
Highlight: May We Present: Grain-Free Bread

12. Born Fitness

Born Fitness is the blog of Adam Bornstein, a health industry writer who has been featured in major publications such as the New York Times and Men’s Health. The focus of the blog is on filtering the white noise in the fitness industry and getting down to the business of improving people’s health, and therefore their lives, by helping them master the fundamentals.
HighlightThe Protein Guide: How Much Protein Do You Need?

13. The Renegade Rules

The Renegade Rules is the blog of Jason Ferruggia, a personal trainer who is considered by many to be one of the best fitness coaches in the business. Jason has been in the fitness industry for 18 years, he has written articles for Men’s Health, Muscle and Fitness, MMA Sports Magazine, and Maximum Fitness, among others, and is currently the Chief Training Advisor to Men’s Fitness Magazine.
HighlightFive Surprising Reasons You’re Not Gaining Muscle

14. Strength Running

Strength Running is an in-depth blog about running. While most fitness sites address some of the basic, generic strategies for successful running, Strength Running pushes these to the side and devotes itself to developing and researching methods designed to help people achieve long-term success in their running.
Highlight5 Actionable Ways to Improve Your Running

15. Elephant Journal

Elephant Journal is a collaborative blog that takes a holistic approach to health issues. The blog views various health concerns such as physical, medical, and mental health as parts of a whole and believes that if any one of these is suffering, it can throw the others out of balance. Because of this belief, Elephant Journal covers a wide range of health topics but addresses each topic within the context of the whole person.
HighlightAre Doctors & the Pharmaceutical Industry Creating Addicts?

16. Less Doing

Less Doing is a blog about productivity and health. One accusation often leveraged in Western (especially American) culture is the stress-inducing busyness of modern life. Less Doing focuses on sharing strategies for cutting down the busyness while increasing productivity through automation, outsourcing, and optimizing of mundane tasks, thereby reducing stress, improving quality of life, and improving health.
Highlight: Checklists vs. To-do Lists and How I Manage Big Projects

17. 101 Cookbooks

101 Cookbooks is the blog of Heidi Swanson, a cookbook collector who realized she had dozens of cookbooks but was still cooking the same recipes over and over. This blog chronicles her journey through her cookbooks as she branches out, trying new recipes and adding healthy variety to her life and the lives of others.
HighlightSoups Worth Making

18. Eat, Live Run

Eat, Live, Run is a foodie blog started by a culinary student five years ago to share her food-related experiences with friends and family. Since then the blog has grown into one of the most prominent food blogs on the internet. The blog focuses on using quality ingredients to make healthy and delicious meals, and also sometimes cake.
HighlightThai Red Curry Chicken

19. Gluten-Free Goddess

Gluten-Free Goddess is an increasingly relevant blog devoted to helping gluten-allergic people, and those cutting gluten out of their diet for other health reasons, find healthy, tasty alternatives to one of the most commonly used ingredients in our culture.
HighlightGluten-Free Peanut Butter Cookies

20. Lunchbox Bunch

Lunchbox Bunch is a vegan blog featuring healthy vegan recipes. The blog stresses that you don’t have to be vegan in order to take advantage of the recipes on this blog, which can benefit the health of all people.
Highlight: Nutrition 101: Nutrient-Rich Recipes for Spring

21. My New Roots

My New Roots is one of the health blogs devoted to the use of whole foods in creating delicious and healthy meals. The author is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner, Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner, and Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner.
HighlightSuperfood Nut Butter Cups

22. Nom Nom Paleo

Nom Nom Paleo is one of the best blogs devoted to providing its readers with resources and methods for the adoption of the paleo diet, which stresses eating a diet mirroring that of humans living before 10,000 BCE and the advent of modern agriculture.
Highlight: Smashed Steak Skewers With Cherry Barbeque Sauce

23. Hyper Lipid

Hyper Lipid is a blog about the benefits of gaining calories from much-maligned fats instead of carbohydrates. The perspective offered by the author is one that is gaining more traction in health-related fields–the idea that natural fats are a better nutritional source and easier for a body to break down than the often highly processed carbohydrates we find in bread and so many other foods.
HighlightFrom Agra to Hong Kong

24. Primal Toad

Primal Toad is a blog about the health benefits of living a “primal” lifestyle. The primal lifestyle focuses on introducing foods with more natural qualities into our diets, shying away from heavily processed foods, or eating animal products that are produced in unnatural ways, and all that’s just the beginning.
Highlight: Beware of Bread: An Eating Disorder Uncovered

25. Fit Bottomed Girls

Fit Bottomed Girls is a women’s fitness blog that posts content focusing on healthy fitness routines for women whose goal is to be healthy. The blog works on honesty, openness, and attainable goals.
HighlightThe Movie that Motivates Me to Be Fitter

26. Green Lite Bites

Green Lite Bites is a blog that chronicles the adventures of a wife and mother as she strives to create healthy, delicious meals for her family. She shares strategies and insights into how to go about doing so in a practical, sustainable manner.
HighlightProduce Pick: Pepino Melon

27. Let Them Eat Meat

Let Them Eat Meat is the blog of former vegan Rhys Southan. The blog works on the healthy aspects of veganism but exposes the potentially unhealthy aspects of a vegan diet and explains why a healthy, well-rounded approach can be more beneficial than skewing to an extreme.
Highlight: The Trouble With Being a Pro-Choice Vegan

28. Deliciously Organic

Deliciously Organic is one of the best health blogs focusing on the health benefits of eating organic foods. Author Carrie Vitt shares her experience of converting to organic foods, how it solved some major health issues, and her struggles with the change in lifestyle, particularly her journey of discovering how to cook with organic foods to achieve the same levels of taste and appeal as non-organic foods.
HighlightHow to Take Action

29. 100 Days of Real Food

The healthy living blog 100 Days of Real Food started as a blog meant to chronicle a family’s experiment of going 100 days without eating processed or refined foods. The family never looked back. The blog recognizes the often high cost of eating unprocessed, unrefined, organic foods and so shares not only the strategies and benefits of such a lifestyle but also budgeting tips to help others achieve this lifestyle.
HighlightMisleading Food Product Roundup II: Don’t Be Fooled

30. Science-Based Medicine

Science-Based Medicine is a blog devoted to disseminating news and information gathered from the science-based medical community and making it accessible to the everyday person. From busting common myths to featuring research that few in the media understand, the blog covers some of the most important aspects of science-based medicine.
HighlightSmoking: the Good News and the Bad News

How do Health Bloggers Help People?

Health blogs provide readers with an outlet to ask questions and get answers from professionals or other people who have had similar experiences. They also serve as an educational resource for people who are looking to learn more about a particular health topic or to stay informed about the latest developments in health and medicine. Additionally, health blogs provide information on a variety of health-related topics.

  • Improve mental health with a healthier lifestyle
  • healthy recipes for healthy eating
  • wellness tips in women’s health
  • medical news about healthy living, natural living, health challenges, natural health
  • fitness tips for weight loss and a healthier life
  • best mental health practices for healthy living
  • showing how eating healthy with real food leads to a healthy life
  • nutritious recipes for weight loss, health, and wellness
  • weight loss for healthier lives
  • health and fitness for weight loss
  • how healthy habits help heart health

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